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Blog Tour: Photos, Inspiration + Friends


This post is a bit off the norm for this space, but I found it worthwhile and hope you don't mind me sharing. My talented photographer friend, Kim (of Little By Little Blog), invited me to take part in a virtual blog tour where I answer four questions about my creative work and process. Everyone participating in the virtual blog tour answers the same questions and at the end, I'll introduce you to a few (hopefully new to you) blogger friends...

1. What am I working on?
Moving to and getting fully settled into Paris took longer than expected... this meant also having to temporarily close my Etsy shop for three months (it's now open again though!). So my first priority is to get back into a rhythm of shooting regularly, improving on The French Kiosk and continuing to build a more focused body of work.

Collectively I'd like my photos to better reflect a more specific feel - to celebrate the quiet, the often overlooked simple details that surround our everyday. It can be really challenging because everything has the potential for beauty (especially here in France). At the end of the day, I'd like my work to be my signature, clear and defined.

I'm also excited about new products I'm working on for my Etsy shop that I will be sharing soon. And lastly, I'd love to find time to take some more photography workshops and courses,... I've still got so much to learn.

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre? 
I love that photography is such a democratized field, almost everyone can shoot and share their photos and with so many outstanding photographers out there, it is difficult to stand out.

I've always been drawn to the poetry in details and their magnificent way of telling a story without further context. I also love the interplay of light and shadows and the way sunlight can act as a paintbrush in almost any setting. That pull is inherent in why and how I photograph, what moves and inspires me. I am hoping that is reflected in my work and ultimately defines what makes it different.

3. Why do I write/create what I do?
Photography is something I've loved since my teens, ever since I took that first snapshot and watched the image come alive in the darkroom. I remember the Doisneau Kiss by the Hotel de Ville I hung in my college dorm that I loved so much for capturing such a wonderful moment (not realizing later it was staged - eek!). Early on I photographed purely for the pleasure of documenting what I loved around me and places I traveled. Until it became a passion, a need and compulsion... I read somewhere that pursuing our passion is like breathing - it is essential and life-sustaining. I believe that.

4. How does your writing/creating process work? 
Almost every big and little excursion involves a camera... my favorite thing to do is wander and observe, and I shoot what inspires and compels me. I photograph exclusively in digital format (ever since becoming a mom) and because I'm almost always with my boys when I'm out, I have to capture as quickly as possible in a few number of shots. This can be challenging but is more or less ingrained in my process now. A lot of my time is then spent sifting through and processing photos in Lightroom - a virtual darkroom that is as appealing and magical to me as the physical darkroom once was...

And now I have the great pleasure of introducing some very talented blogger friends. They will be sharing their creative journeys on their blogs Monday, May 26th.

The Daydreamer of The Daydreamer's Diary
In love with words, foreign languages and cultures, I have been blogging as The Daydreamer since 2009. I enjoy taking in every detail I can lay my eyes on: a face, a sentence, a picture, a cloud... and share them in my personal blog, The Daydreamer's Diary. I use clouds as my means of transportation above our world; they help me put things into perspective, contemplate reality from different and unexpected angles (dont' you just love surprises?), and with an added touch of poetry. In my wildest dreams, writing and curating a blog would be my next job. The quest is on in the real world. Wish me positive alignment of the spheres.

Melinda Larson of C'est Ma Vie
Multi-talented... iPhotographer | Writer | Francophile | Traveler | Sailor | Teacher | Coach | Marquette alumna | Auntie | At home in Wisconsin | In love with Paris

Maria-Angelique of The Good Life
An island girl living in the Midwest who has found a place where she indulges in a way of living she secretly longed for but never fully realized. Her blog summarizes her love for running, faith, fitness and nutrition... all the things that constitute a good life to her.



  1. Wonderful images and I just love reading this blog post!! Thanks for sharing such inspiring one and keep up sharing more like this.

    1. Thank you so much Anton... will do ;)

  2. I really enjoyed reading this! And the photos are wonderful :). Really inspiring!

    1. Aw thank you Molly, I so appreciate your comments :)

  3. It is lovely to have an insight into your creative process and read about what motivates you and how! Thank you for choosing me, I'll be more than happy to take part in the Tour and find out about new bloggers and their creations! Hugs to you ✨

    1. Can't wait to read about your creative process Daydreamer! Thank you for participating :) xo

  4. I love reading this because is truly gives us a glimpse into your creative process. And the sensibility you show through your photos completely matches your creative process. Lovely and than you for including me in this tour.

    1. Thank you MA! Have always loved your energy and optimism... thank you for joining :)

  5. Catherine, it was very informative to read your thoughts on the creative process as it applies to yourself. I do appreciate and applaud your ability to capture and show the simpler side of everyday living no matter where that happens to be at any given time.

    1. So sweet of you to say Beatrice, thank you :)

  6. So happy you were part of this virtual blog tour! It was fun to learn more about you and it's been fun learning about other friends in the blogosphere. I don't know who started it, but it's been a grand tour. And I always love seeing glimpses of 'your Paris' ...

    1. Thank you Dotti, I love sharing my Paris with you :)

  7. It was fun to finally see your Etsy shop, love your images and the Paris fix I needed for this morning.

    1. Ha! I always get my global fix from visiting you Noel, thank you :)

  8. I love reading about your approach and the challenge you've set for yourself! I think you definitely do have a specific style and do capture some really wonderful fleeting moments, and it's lovely that you're continuing to try to hone it. For that purpose, I particularly love these two shots: and and your morning light post. And I think your black and white photography in general is really lovely. Thanks for sharing with us!

    1. I really appreciate this kind of (specific) feedback Jade, thank you so so much. Some days the work and effort can be discouraging and disheartening,...and this helps me keep on keeping on :) xo

  9. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on these subject... it is always interesting to hear about other peoples creativity


  10. A great way to know more about you :)
    Just popping in to say welcome to the Communal Global team!

    1. So wonderful to be part of CG's team of talented ladies Salma, thank you for including me! :)

  11. Very interesting my friend...finding out more about you. I didn't realize you love Lightroom processing so much...I still struggle using it at times with certain images...but it is a masterpiece of a program that is for sure.

  12. It is great to meet you through Communal Global Catherine. I really enjoyed reading about you and your work, and look forward to seeing more images from France.


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