I've moved here: catherinegoron.com
For a while now I've been itching to update and unify my blog, shop and other social media - it all seemed disparate and disconnected and frankly was causing confusion. You know it's time to make a change and clean house when creativity gets blocked by clutter and blurry focus.
So I'm excited to announce that I moved to a space where things are under one roof, finally: catherinegoron.com. This new space will house my blog, photo projects and shop news as well as share with you inspiring new finds! It's evolving and like all creative pursuits, a work in progress. My latest blog posts can be found here: http://catherinegoron.com/blog/. Please take a look around and let me know what you think!
Having this transition coincide with the change in seasons wasn’t exactly planned, but it's really nice when things come together harmoniously...
To be sure to get automatic blog updates, please add my new site to your feed reader (like Feedly). Simply enter the url (catherinegoron.com) and click the add button to subscribe. As always, thank you for visiting and reading (especially those of you who've followed and encouraged me over the years!)... it means so so much - xo
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