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Marché aux Fleurs | Paris

Paris Marche aux Fleurs Paris Flower Market by Catherine Goron
Paris Marche aux Fleurs Paris Flower Market by Catherine Goron
Paris Marche aux Fleurs Paris Flower Market by Catherine Goron
Paris Marche aux Fleurs Paris Flower Market by Catherine Goron
Paris Marche aux Fleurs Paris Flower Market by Catherine Goron
Paris Marche aux Fleurs Paris Flower Market by Catherine Goron

In Paris, I've found you have to be laser focused on your destination because of the infinite amount of stops along the way that entice you to entertain a detour... which is what happened the other day when I hopped off my bus stop at Cité, which is right around the corner from the Marché aux Fleurs. One glance of the petals being swept up turned into one photograph and then another, and there among the peonies, I almost forgot where I was headed to in the first place.

The distinctive glass pavilions of this beautiful flower market have been around since the 1900s, and because the Marche aux Fleurs is open everyday and sits in the middle of Paris on the l'île de la Cité, you're likely to pass by or around it at some point, so be warned in advance... it's hard to turn away from the vast array of colorful flowers and fragrant blooms. And on Sundays there's a Bird Market (Marché aux Oiseaux) that showcases a wonderfully rare variety of little birds!



  1. I thought I recognized this place! I fell in love with it. Your photos are so wonderful I can almost smell the flowers. Delightful!

    1. Thank you so much Dotti! I was sure you found your way here on your last trip to Paris :)

  2. It would seem magical to stroll through the flower stalls and walk amid fallen petals. Your photos capture the atmosphere of shape and color. I'm imagining the scent.

  3. oh gorgeous - you made me sigh in raptures. I remember visiting here when we were in Paris in 2005, already 10 years ago! I can well understand how you were enticed into this wonderful world. Have a happy week Catherine.

  4. Who would want to turn away from this beautiful spot?!!! Lovely!

  5. Peonies in Paris, how beautiful and romantic. Those are knockout photos, I can smell the flowers. You captured a unique atmosphere, thank you for sharing.

  6. Your pictures are absolutely beautiful, so colorful and so romantic! Thanks for sharing these with us all... the day I went to Marche Aux Fleurs it was a Sunday so it was full of animals! I'll be featuring your post on Thursday Favorite Things tonight! Angelina @ Peonies & Orange Blossoms

  7. Thank you so much for your very kind comments ladies! xo

  8. These scenes and scents would surely make a detour necessary, so you easily be forgiven for taking a bit longer to reach your destination, Catherine.

  9. How truly beautiful and insanely romantic those peonies are! Thanks so much for sharing these lovely flowers with us!


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