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Paris apartment
Paris apartment
Paris apartment
Paris apartment
Paris apartment
Paris apartment flowers

We emptied the last plastic bin the other day, and with that final gesture of unpacking (10 months later), the feeling of being home finally and truly sunk in.

So we invited the family my husband has known since his childhood for a little housewarming combined with a celebration of two birthdays. And all at once, the apartment we moved into - our physical address, our dwelling place, where we keep our things - unfolded into the space where deep lasting memories are created and we could at last comfortably call home...



  1. A celebration of friendship, family, and home! Cheers!

  2. Wonderful you now feel completely at home in your beautiful French home! Adding family is always the perfect touch.

    1. It's true, it didn't strike me until the moment we were all gathered together,... it really made all the difference :)

  3. Wherever we settled, I always felt "at home" there once we'd celebrated Christmas! Your place looks lovely - and looks like you get tons of wonderful light!

    1. Thank you Adrienne... all this time it felt I was waiting for something to signify our being truly home. A celebration with family and friends :)

  4. You have finally arrived - welcome to your new home!

  5. Your new home looks beautiful.

  6. gorgeous images. I love that jug of leaves. I am glad you finally feel like you are home. It looks like a lovely home to make new and lasting memories. Have a wonderful week. I am joining you over at Our World Tuesday, and no doubt Communal Global!

  7. Home at last - so lovely!

  8. You have a lovely apartment. Nice photos!
    Please come share at

  9. What a long journey you've had but your new home looks lovely. Welcome home!

  10. Congratulations, that's a huge step (I moved 3 years ago and still hav unpacked boxes). Welcome home, and thanks for those beautiful views of your apartment!

  11. Welcome home!! Beautiful pictures as always!

  12. Thank you all so very much! xo

  13. COngrats!!!! so happy for you!!!!! welcome home! Your apartment looks beautiful of course! very parisian! Perfect pictures as always!

  14. Reading this post brightened my day, Catherine, as I was feeling very down about all the boxes and contqiners we just moved into our apt this week. This move is downsizing from a 2-story, 100 year old Victorian home to a single floor 2 BR apt and my mistake was thinking everything had to be in place ASAP. Reading that after 10 months you finally feel home lifted my spirits as I know your gathering did for yours.

    1. Oh Beatrice, I know the overwhelming feeling of seeing all those boxes piled up and the urge to want everything to instantly be in place so you can exhale and be settled... transitions can be difficult, but in time it will all fall nicely into place :) For some, it takes 3+ years to truly move in (see Katrin above for example). Work at your own pace and enjoy your lovely new space... xo

  15. What a lovely celebration these are gorgeous!

  16. It is the people and the love that make a spot home regardless of where it is located or how long it takes you to find it.

  17. Lovely and elegant Parisian apartment ~ wonderful photos!

    Happy Weekend to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  18. I love this post! You apartment is so lovely and I love everything you have shown of it. It makes me smile and must be such an inspiring place to live in a gorgeous city.

  19. It's a beautiful home. So glad you are settling in.


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