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Amsterdam: A Bevy of Bicycles, Boats and Blooms...

Amsterdam tulips
Amsterdam tulips

As part of my family's little break in the Netherlands, we took a day trip to Amsterdam. An afternoon wasn't nearly enough time to visit museums and explore the city, but we soaked in what we could... we went on a canal cruise and strolled through the narrow streets, tried some local fare and visited Bloemenmarkt (flower market)... it was a cloudy day, but the city was so pretty we hardly noticed the gray and drizzle.

We loved Amsterdam's gabled architecture, 17th century canals and relaxed energy. But I think what impressed me most (despite being nearly run over twice) was how smoothly and efficiently the compact city runs - cars, scooters, trams, buses and bicycles (oh so many bicycles!...hauling everyone from mothers with their babies to businessmen on their way to work to teenagers on the go) - all zooming by in cooperative harmony on narrow streets filled with pedestrians of every age and size. And that's just above ground! The canals have their own traffic and rhythm, and again still, it glides along fluidly.

We'd love to go back... it's roughly a 5 1/2 hour drive from Paris (3 1/3 hours by train)... 



  1. Oh! So beautiful and those black houses look very cool!!!

    1. Thank you Susannah... I'd love to visit the inside of a canal house one day!

  2. Amsterdam is a beautiful place to visit! You managed to catch some wonderful corners of the city. Looking forward to seeing more photos of your visit to to the Netherlands.

    1. Thank you so much Karen :) It was my first time driving through the Netherlands... what a beautiful landscape!

  3. Your overcast days produced great photos, Catherine. What a tiny houseboat on the canal with attached canoe! Don't you wonder about the story of whomever lives there? I like seeing all the bikes, too.

    1. Oh yes Barb, you know me well... my husband says I have voyeuristic tendencies, but really it's my itching curiosity!!

  4. Yes it was so obvious from your photos, Catherine, that bicycles are the way to travel in Amsterdam. The architecture was so interesting even from your photos, and those colorful tulips made a dreary day seem brighter.

    1. Thank you D,... I've never seen so many bikes, they were literally on every street and corner and alleyway - the true stars of the little city! I read "Amsterdam is one of the most bicycle-friendly cities in the world and the majority of its citizens have spent their lives on two wheels since they were infants." :)

  5. Loved Amsterdan, would go back anytime! beautiful pictures, you really captured the city´s essence!

    1. Oh thank you so much Carolina :)

  6. I think one of the coolest things about where you live is being able to drive to many European cities. What a rich and full life to have so much culture at your finger tips. These are lovely and I am so happy for you to have all this!

    1. That means a lot Kim, thank you my friend :) xo

  7. Beautiful photos. I so envious of the opportunity to see Europe and all it has to offer. :)

  8. So gorgeous! I so want to see Amsterdam!

    1. Thank you Tamar :) You have to go!

  9. Amsterdam is one of my favorite cities! It's so beautiful, the people are somehow all stunningly gorgeous, and I love how late it stays light in summer. Did you go to Rembrandt's house? Oh, this is making me miss Europe...and Amsterdam is only about 5 hours from our family in Berlin too....

    1. You're right Jade, it's a stunning little city! I visited the Rembrandt House many years ago (as a backpacking youth!) but didn't get a chance this time... I really have my heart set on the Van Gogh museum, but will wait until my boys are a bit older. Oh Berlin!... I was itching to cross the border into Germany, hopefully one day :)

  10. Thank you Felicia :) The houseboats were all so charming - and numerous...they are literally lined by side by side on the inner canals!

  11. Great shots. The boats were so cool looking. Very nice tour. I love the tulips. Check out Smiling Sally and link Blues on Monday. Go by my post to find her link. I linked too with Little Things Thursday. Nice to meet you I enjoyed visiting.

  12. Such beautiful pictures!
    I love those houses!

  13. Thank you for the walk via fantastic captures .... Great for STS :)

  14. Absolutely lovely. I've always wanted to visit.

  15. Really wonderful photos. Makes me want to go exploring!

  16. I really love the mood and feel of your Amsterdam walk and photos, enjoyed the tour you shared with us today.

  17. What a great city Amsterdam is... :-) I especially love your photos with the bicycles and the tulips. These are just great!

  18. I've always wanted to see Amsterdam. From photos, it seems like a cleaner Brooklyn with the extra charm that only a European city can have. Beautiful pictures!


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