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Printable Calendar: January | Janvier 2013


With this late posting of the January calendar, one of my new year's resolutions already lies broken... but the good news is just as it hit the floor, I resolved to cast it away with all the other tattered new year's promises and instead mark each new day like a new year - a new beginning, a possibility for small and big victories. Let's give ourselves the upper hand this year shall we? Allow for missteps sure, but more importantly be kinder to ourselves in the process. 

Alas here's January's printable calendar, a nod to this positive new anthem; it's January's proclamation to welcome 2013 (Bienvenue!). So along with our fresh new plans and projects, we welcome an increased chance for greater possibilities.

All the best to you every day of 2013 :)

For the calendar, simply download (below), print and cut on the dotted line. Bonne Année!


  1. Welcome 2013 and Bonne Annee to you too! I read recently about someone reframing her resolutions as "things to look forward to" that spirit, you made a wonderful calendar & I'm sure many will look forward to seeing its use!:)

    1. Love that positive spin Lulu, sure changes the perspective on those often intimidating resolutions! Thank you + hope all's been well for you in 2013 so far :)

  2. Beautiful! Thank you for your positive words, Catherine. "mark each new day like a new year - a new beginning" YES!! I love this.

    Oh, and I think I will use the orange one--nice and warm feeling on a cold winter's day in Washington:)

    1. Thank you Charmaine! The orange version is hanging in my office as well, for that same reason :) I hope the beginning of 2013's going smoothly for you and your boys so far... xo


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