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Flea Markets | Brocantes & Vide-Greniers

Vintage siphon bottles

Lot of silver forks ("le tout" on the paper means "all")

Brocantes (French flea markets) and local vide-greniers (literally means "empty attic" which is what the French do at theirs, as well as clean out their garages and childrens' closets) always remind me that: 1-we love rummaging through other people's things; because 2a-we're voyeuristic; and 2b-find folks' old discarded stuff useful/beautiful or at least think we can breathe new life into it; and 3-we all love a good treasure hunt and bargain!

The wares at last year's Châtillon-Coligny vide-grenier were wonderful. I picked up some vintage postcards and L'Illustration magazines from the early 1900's that I'll be sharing with you here soon.

What I lament is not being able to buy furniture or bulky items like these beautiful siphon bottles, but nevertheless it's a feast for the eyes and a walk through history so it's always fun browsing and dreaming... 

Do you like brocantes? Are you a casual browser like me or a professional buyer? Do you have a strategy when you go... Oohh I'd love to know...

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